Talk:HD 100546

Significant confusion over HD 100546 b (11/4/2014)

The article includes a section on HD 100546 b, a young planetary companion found orbiting HD 100546. This is a very confusing issue: there are at least *two* companions that have been identified around HD 100546. The first is one inferred from spectroscopy, orbiting at roughly 10 AU from the star. The second is the object first identified by Quanz et al. (2013; arxiv:1302.7122) and now recovered by Currie et al. (2014; arxiv:1411.0315). The latter has been explicitly referred to as "HD 100546 b", whereas the former is just a candidate planetary companion (with no known) inferred to exist. Currie et al. (2014) also propose a 3rd companion that may explain a spiral arm-like feature they see. There are many other spiral arms in the disk that may be signs of additional planets.

Unless there is strong objection, I propose relabeling the ``HD 100546 b" as "The HD 100546 Planetary System", discuss both HD 100546 b and the unlabeled second object ('c'?), briefly note that there may be more, and split off a detailed discussion of HD 100546 b into a separate article. — Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 02:03, 7 November 2014 (UTC)[reply]