The Targum Rishon, also known as the First Targum of Esther in the Hebrew, is an Aramaic translation (targum) and elaboration of the Book of Esther. Compared to Targum Sheni (or the Second Targum of Esther), it is less embellished and shorter, coming out as less than half the length of Targum Sheni.[1] Targum Rishon is dated approximately between 500 and 700, postdating the Babylonian Talmud, and of Palestinian provenance.[2][1] A recent suggestion places the origins of both targums in early seventh century Palestine, and proposes that both are derivatives of an earlier rabbinic text called Esther Rabbati.[3]
Both the First and Second Targums should not be confused with another targum of Esther mentioned by tractate Megillah of the Talmud, which is an earlier but now lost text.[4]