Taroc l'Hombre

Taroc l'Hombre
Extinct member of the European Tarot card game family.
The matadors in Tarok l'Hombre (from a Bavarian Animal Tarot pack).
Alternative namesTarok-l'Hombre, Tarock l'Hombre, Tarocc 'Ombre
SkillsTactics, Strategy
DeckFrench-suited Tarot pack e.g. Bourgeoise Tarot
Rank (high→low)Trumps: 21-1
K Q C J 10 – 1
K Q C J 1 – 10
Playing time20 min.
Related games
Droggn • French Tarot • Troggu • Grosstarock

Taroc l'Hombre or Tarok-l'Hombre is an extinct card game of the European Tarot card game family for three players that was played with a full pack of 78 tarot cards, known as tarocs or taroks. It emerged in Italy around 1770 as Tarocc 'Ombre but later spread to Austria and Germany. It was a crucial development, with the important idea of bidding imported from l'Hombre, hence the name.[1]

  1. ^ Dummett 1980, p. 280.