This produces an area in dunams plus conversions and a link to the appropriate order of magnitude article, e.g. "20 dunams (2 ha or 5 acres)".
This is a subtemplate of {{Infobox settlement}}. It is not intended to be used directly.
It displays an area in dunams and its equivalent in both metric and imperial/US customary units. The metric and imperial/US values link to the appropriate order of magnitude page for areas.
It is called by {{Infobox settlement/areadisp}}, which handles the conversions and calls this template with values assigned to the following parameters:
(required) — the dunam value{{{metv}}}
(required) — the metric value{{{impv}}}
(required) — the imperial/US value{{{dunu}}}
(optional: defaults to "dunam" or "dunams") — the symbol/abbreviation of the dunam unit{{{metu}}}
(optional: defaults to "ha") — the symbol/abbreviation of the metric unit{{{impu}}}
(optional: defaults to "acre" or "acres") — the symbol/abbreviation of the imperial/US unit