
Picture of the day
Haller Madonna
The Haller Madonna and Lot and His Daughters are a pair of oil paintings on two sides of the same canvas. They were painted by Albrecht Dürer, and date to between 1496 and 1499. They are in the permanent collection of the National Gallery of Art in Washington, DC.

The painting on the obverse depicts Mary and an athletic-looking Jesus, with a window looking out to a distant view. This scheme is similar to that of Giovanni Bellini's works, which Dürer had seen in his first sojourn in Venice (1494–95). It features coats of arms in the lower corners, both representing prominent families from Dürer's home town of Nuremberg, Germany. The left-hand arms are those of the house of Haller von Hallerstein, while the right-hand arms are for the Koberger family.

The reverse of the painting features a picture known as Lot and His Daughters, showing a Biblical scene of Lot's flight from Sodom, with a landscape including explosions of fire in the background. Since the two scenes are unrelated, it has been suggested that the paintings are intended as private devotional images, each depicting one example of a just life and God's grace.Painting: Albrecht Dürer