
Picture of the day
Chalcostephia flavifrons
Chalcostephia flavifrons is a species of dragonfly native to tropical central Africa. A small species, the wings are about 1 in (2.5 cm) in length and are translucent apart from the pterostigmata. The purpose of these thicker, pigmented sections near the wingtip is to prevent wing flutter, and thus assist in gliding. The wing venation is characteristic of the species. This dragonfly is commonly known as the "yellowface", but seen from above, the head is largely obscured by the enormous compound eyes which almost meet in the middle, giving the insect a wide field of view and enabling it to see in all directions.

This picture shows a female C. flavifrons dragonfly photographed in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.Photograph credit: Muhammad Mahdi Karim