
This template is intended to fetch data from Wikidata with or without a link to the connected Wikipedia article and with many other features. This version of {{Wikidata}} includes an Opt-In toggle (i.e. |fetch=true, hence the name WikidataOI). The template doesn't fetch any data by default unless the said parameter is set.



The general structure of a call to this template is as follows. Note that the basic structure consists of positional commands, flags and arguments, which all have a fixed position.


Use different commands to get different kinds of values from Wikidata. At least one command must be given and multiple commands can be combined into one call as shown above (in any order, more than two is also possible), but this only applies to commands from the claim class; calls containing a command from the general class cannot contain any other command. Each command can be followed by any number of command flags, which are optional and can be used to tweak the output generated by that command.

The commands and their flags may be followed by any number of configuration flags, which are also optional and affect the selection of data and the template's behaviour in general. The call is closed with the positional arguments, which may be required depending on the given command(s). Some named arguments (i.e. name-value pairs) also exist, as well as a set of named flags for advanced usage that can be used to change the way the fetched values are merged together into the output.

This template was designed to provide the basic needs for fetching data from Wikidata, but a lot can be achieved through different combinations of calls. For convenience, such combinations could be wrapped into new templates that serve a specific need. See also the section on common use cases below for some examples of useful "building blocks". Likewise, the functionality of this template can be extended by creating wrapper templates that use the main command provided by Module:Wd which is being used by this template (just like {{WikidataOI}} does).

Common use cases


Below follows a list of common use cases. In the future, shortcut commands may be implemented that are equivalent to these calls for convenience.

Call Use case
{{wikidataOI|label|raw|fetch=true}} Returns the Q-identifier of the Wikidata item connected to the current page (e.g. "Q55").
{{#if:{{wikidataOI|label|raw|fetch=true}}|...}} Performs a check to determine if the current page has a Wikidata item.

Note that this statement relies on a returned value that is either empty or non-empty and that the raw flag is important to include. Without this flag, an existing item's regular label would be returned which could be empty, giving an undesired result. If the flag is given on the other hand, then a non-empty Q-identifier is always returned if an item exists and an empty value if an item does not exist.



The commands (command1, command2, ...) determine what kind of values are returned. One call can only contain commands from a single class.

Claim class


The claim class commands can be combined, meaning that multiple commands of different types from this class can be given at one time (see above for usage).

Combine multiple commands into one call to this template, instead of making multiple calls to this template with one command each, to be sure that all the returned pieces of information belong to each other (see also the examples below).

Type Command Returns Basic usage Description
I property first match[a] {{wikidataOI|property|P1|fetch=true}} Returns the requested property – or list of properties – from the current item-entity or from a given entity.

This command can be given only once in one call.

properties all matches {{wikidataOI|properties|P1|fetch=true}}
II qualifier first match[b] {{wikidataOI|qualifier|P1|P2|fetch=true}} Returns the requested qualifier – or list of qualifiers – from the given property of the current item-entity or of a given entity.

Unlike the other claim class commands, this command can be given multiple times to retrieve different qualifiers in one call.

qualifiers all matches {{wikidataOI|qualifiers|P1|P2|fetch=true}}
III reference first match[b] {{wikidataOI|reference|P1|fetch=true}} Returns a reference – or list of references – from the given property of the current item-entity or of a given entity.[c]

This command can be given only once in one call.

references all matches {{wikidataOI|references|P1|fetch=true}}
  1. ^ Returns only a single value instead of multiple (if multiple claims or statements match). The returned value is the first match found from the best-ranked claims.
  2. ^ a b Returns only a single value instead of multiple for each matching claim. To get at most one value in total in case the property command is not also used, additionally use the single configuration flag.
  3. ^ See the section on references for details.

General class


The general class commands cannot be combined.

Type Command Returns Basic usage Description
I label {{wikidataOI|label|fetch=true}} Returns the label of the current item-entity or of a given entity if present.
II title {{wikidataOI|title|fetch=true}} Returns the title of the page connected to the current item-entity or to a given item-entity if such page exists.
III description {{wikidataOI|description|fetch=true}} Returns the description of the current item-entity or of a given entity if present.
IV alias first match[a] {{wikidataOI|alias|fetch=true}} Returns an alias – or list of aliases – of the current item-entity or of a given entity if present.
aliases all matches {{wikidataOI|aliases|fetch=true}}
V badge first match[a] {{wikidataOI|badge|fetch=true}} Returns a badge – or list of badges – for the page connected to the current item-entity or to a given item-entity if such page exists.
badges all matches {{wikidataOI|badges|fetch=true}}
  1. ^ a b Returns only a single value instead of multiple (if multiple values are present).



The following (optional) flags are available which can be used to alter this template's behaviour. They must be given after the (first) command and before the positional arguments. For convenience, empty flags (i.e. ||) are allowed and will simply be ignored.

Command flags


These flags (flag1*, flag2*, ...) apply to the command that precedes them directly.

Flag Description
raw Returns the raw value if applicable.

If this flag is used with item or property datatypes, then this will return the Q-identifier or P-identifier instead of the regular label.

For quantity datatypes, this flag will strip off any units of measurement, unless the unit flag is also given in which case the raw unit of measurement (its Q-identifier) will be returned.

If this flag is used with time datatypes, then the returned date will be in the format of yyyy-mm-dd (e.g. 1731-02-11), or yyyy-mm, or yyyy depending on the date's precision. Dates in the Julian calendar stored with a precision of days through millenniums will have /Julian attached to the output (e.g. 1731-02-11/Julian, which may be split off using the {{#titleparts}} parser function).

If it is used with globe coordinate datatypes, then it replaces the various symbols with forward slashes in the returned value (e.g. 52/5/3/N/4/19/3/E, which may be split into parts using the {{#titleparts}} parser function).

linked Creates a link to the Wikipedia article that is connected to the property or qualifier if it exists. Also links units of measurement that may be appended to values.

If this parameter is omitted, then the plain property or qualifier value will be returned.

short [EXPENSIVE] Returns the short name (P1813) of any entity returned if they have one attached. If that is not the case, then the default behaviour of returning the entity's label will occur.
multilanguage Returns monolingual text values in any available language, not just the current wiki's language.
unit Returns only the unit of measurement for quantity datatypes.

Configuration flags


These flags (flag0*) are general configuration flags and can be given anywhere after the first command (but before the positional arguments).

Flag Description Command class
Combination of: preferred Sets a rank constraint for the selected claim(s).

The first three set the ranks for which claim(s) will be selected. They can optionally be followed by a + or a -, e.g. normal+ or preferred-, where the first selects claims with a 'normal' rank or higher and the second selects claims with a 'preferred' rank or lower. To get claims of all ranks, use preferred- or deprecated+.

If the best flag is given additionally, then only the claims that have the highest rank amongst the selected claims will be returned.

The default is normal+|best (so by default claims with a 'deprecated' rank are never returned).

Output is always sorted from highest rank to lowest (regardless of any of these flags being set).

Combination of: future Sets a time constraint for the selected claim(s). Uses the claims' qualifiers of start time (P580) and end time (P582) to determine if the claim is valid for the selected time period(s).

The default is future|current|former (so by default claims that are valid for any time period are returned), except when date= is given (see below) in which case the default is current.

mdy Returns date values in month-day-year order instead of day-month-year order. claim
single Returns only a single claim instead of multiple (if multiple claims match). Has no effect if the property/properties command is given, in which case this flag would be redundant. claim
sourced Only returns claims that have at least one non-empty reference. (References having only ignored parameters are considered empty.) claim
One of: edit Adds a clickable icon after the output that may be used by readers to edit the returned claim on Wikidata.

If edit@end is used, then the icon will be placed at the end of the line for neat alignment in infoboxes.

claim, general



The arguments determine the sources from which all the returned values are fetched.

Positional arguments


The following table shows the available positional arguments (arg*) in their fixed order. For each command, the applicable set of arguments is marked. If multiple commands are given, then the applicable set is the union of the individual sets. For instance, if the commands properties and qualifiers have been given, then at least both the arguments property_id and qualifier_id should be given as well.

More than one qualifier/qualifiers command can be given. The order in which these commands with their flags are given matches the order in which the respective qualifier_id arguments are given.

(required) (optional) (optional) (required) (optional) (required) (required)
{{wikidataOI commands flags entity_id property_id raw_value qualifier_id qualifier_id }}
label, title,
qualifier/qualifiers (optional 2nd, 3rd, etc.)

Below follows a description of all positional arguments.

Argument Description


[EXPENSIVE] Q-identifier of the item-entity to be accessed (e.g. Q55), P-identifier (or an available alias) of the property-entity to be accessed preceded by the Property: prefix (e.g. Property:P38), or page title of the Wikipedia article whose connected item-entity is to be accessed preceded by :, a prefixed colon (e.g. :Netherlands).

In case of the general class commands, the Property: prefix may be omitted for P-identifiers (e.g. P38).

If this parameter is omitted, then the item-entity connected to the current page will be used (except when eid= or page= is given, see below). If this parameter is given, but empty (i.e. ||), then due to its position it will be interpreted as an empty flag and thus be ignored, giving the same result as if it were omitted. See also the named arguments eid= and page= below that can be used to give an entity-ID or page title too, but without the item-entity connected to the current page being used as a default.

property_id P-identifier (or an available alias) of the property within the entity to be accessed, without the Property: prefix (e.g. P35).


Either the Q-identifier equal to the property value (e.g. Q29574) or a literal value (i.e. string or quantity etc., no entity label) equal to the raw property value of the particular claim to be accessed.

Dates as literal values must be formatted yyyy-mm-dd (e.g. 1731-02-11) for dates with a precision of days, yyyy-mm (e.g. 1731-02) for dates with a precision of months, and yyyy (e.g. 1731) for dates of lesser precision. Dates BCE require a minus sign in front of the year (e.g. -2950-01-31). Dates stored in the Julian calendar must have /Julian attached to the end (e.g. 1731-02-11/Julian). Decades like the 2010s must be given as 2010 (but the 2010s BCE as -2019), centuries like the 20th century as 1901 (but the 20th century BCE as -2000), and millenniums like the 3rd millennium as 2001 (but the 3rd millennium BCE as -3000).

Globe coordinates as literal values must be formatted with forward slashes (i.e. /) between the parts and no symbols (e.g. 52/5/3/N/4/19/3/E) without any spaces or leading zeros.

The special type 'no value' can be given by entering the empty string (i.e. ||) and the special type 'unknown value' can be given by entering a single underscore (i.e. |_|). To get a literal underscore, escape it by placing a backslash \ directly in front of it (i.e. \_); the same holds for a literal backslash (i.e. \\).

To get a literal vertical bar |, use {{!}} or |.

If this parameter is omitted, then all claims (matching any other constraints) within the property will be accessed.

qualifier_id P-identifier (or an available alias) of the qualifier within the entity to be accessed, without the Property: prefix (e.g. P580).

Named arguments


Below follows a description of all named arguments, which are name-value pairs (i.e. |name=value). These are all optional and can be given anywhere inside the call.

Argument Description Command class
eid= [EXPENSIVE] This argument can be used to give the Q-identifier (e.g. |eid=Q55) or P-identifier (or an available alias) of the entity to be accessed. It offers the same functionality as the positional argument entity_id, with one difference: if the argument is given but its value is left empty (i.e. |eid=), then no entity is accessed at all instead of the item-entity connected to the current page. This is useful in some cases where a variable entity-ID is expected, but where the item-entity connected to the current page should not be accessed as the default.

Also, the Property: prefix may be omitted for P-identifiers (e.g. |eid=P38) for all commands.

This argument only has effect if the positional argument entity_id is omitted.

claim, general
page= [EXPENSIVE] This argument can be used to give the page title (e.g. |page=Netherlands) of the Wikipedia article whose connected item-entity is to be accessed. It behaves similar to the named argument eid= and can be used instead of the positional argument entity_id (note that no prefixed colon, :, is required). If the argument is given but its value is left empty (i.e. |page=), then no entity is accessed at all instead of the item-entity connected to the current page.

This argument only has effect if the positional argument entity_id and the named argument eid= are omitted.

claim, general
date= This argument can be used to set a particular date (e.g. |date=1731-02-11) relative to which claim matching using the future, current and former flags is done, instead of relative to today. It overrides the default of these flags to current so that by default only claims that were valid at the given date are returned (based on the claims' qualifiers of start time (P580) and end time (P582)).

The date value must be formatted yyyy-mm-dd (e.g. 1731-02-11), yyyy-mm (e.g. 1731-02) or yyyy (e.g. 1731).

<qualifier>= The <qualifier> is a placeholder for a set of arguments that determine which claims should be accessed based on qualifier value, analogous to the pair of positional arguments property_id and raw_value (that determine access based on property value).

As such, <qualifier> is any qualifier's P-identifier (or an available alias) without the Property: prefix (e.g. P518). Its value is either the Q-identifier equal to one of the qualifier values (e.g. Q27561) or a literal value (i.e. string or quantity etc., no entity label) equal to one of the raw qualifier values of the particular claim to be accessed. The value format is the same as for the positional argument raw_value. The special type 'no value' given by the empty string also matches the total absence within the claim of the particular qualifier.

Example: |P518=Q27561

Multiple arguments of this type can be given to match multiple qualifier values simultaneously for each claim.


Property aliases


Property aliases are other names for P-identifiers that can be used instead. The following property aliases (which are case-sensitive) are currently available:

Alias translates
coord P625
image P18
author P50
authorNameString P2093
publisher P123
importedFrom P143
wikimediaImportURL P4656
statedIn P248
pages P304
language P407
hasPart P527
publicationDate P577
startTime P580
endTime P582
chapter P792
retrieved P813
referenceURL P854
sectionVerseOrParagraph P958
archiveURL P1065
title P1476
formatterURL P1630
quote P1683
shortName P1813
definingFormula P2534
archiveDate P2960
inferredFrom P3452
typeOfReference P3865
column P3903
subjectNamedAs P1810
wikidataProperty P1687



When either the reference or the references command is used and a reference is encountered (in Wikidata), the module checks if the reference contains an imported from Wikimedia project (P143), inferred from (P3452) or Wikimedia import URL (P4656) property. In the case one of these properties is present, the whole reference is ignored (i.e. it is treated as if it wasn't present).

Else, the module attempts to display the reference using the {{Cite web}} template. The reference has to have a reference URL (P854) property. The below table shows the mapping of Wikidata properties to parameters of Cite web.

Wikidata property Parameter of Cite web Notes
archive date (P2960) archive-date
archive URL (P1065) archive-url
author (P50) author/authorN N can be 1, 2, 3...
author name string (P2093)
language of work or name (P407) language Ignored when the same as the local language.
page(s) (P304) pages
publication date (P577) date
publisher (P123) publisher
quotation (P1683) quote
reference URL (P854) url
retrieved (P813) access-date
section, verse, paragraph, or clause (P958) at
stated in (P248) website
subject named as (P1810) title Used only when title (P1476) is not present, but a URL (either from reference URL (P854) or from an external identifier, as described below) is, otherwise ignored.
title (P1476) title

The following properties are ignored: image (P18), type of reference (P3865).

If there is no reference URL (P854) property present in the reference, but a property of the "External identifier" data type is present both in the reference and in the Wikidata property (P1687) of the item in stated in (P248), a URL is generated from its content and is used in the same manner as a URL given in reference URL (P854).

If there is no reference URL (P854) property, or the reference has unknown properties, the module attempts to display it using the {{Cite Q}} template. The stated in (P248) property is mandatory. The below table shows the mapping of properties to Cite Q parameters.

Wikidata property Parameter of Cite Q Notes
stated in (P248) 1 Value supplied to the parameter is raw, i.e. it is just the plain QID.
chapter (P792) chapter
column (P3903) at
page(s) (P304) pages
publication date (P577) date
retrieved (P813) access-date
section, verse, paragraph, or clause (P958) section
title (P1476) title
any property of the "External identifier" data type id The label ("name") of the property is prepended before its content.

The properties listed under the first table (in this section) are also ignored when using Cite Q.

A reference could be displayed using Cite Q only if the reference has a stated in (P248) property and has only properties listed in the table above. If neither Cite web nor Cite Q could be used to display a reference, the following an error message with an explanation is returned.

To fix this error, check if the reference has the required properties and doesn't have any unknown properties, as described above. The Wikidata help page on references can also be helpful when sourcing statements.

Advanced usage


The layout of the output from (a combination of) commands that have both a singular and a plural form (e.g. property/properties) can be customized by using a number of named flags, which are name-value pairs (i.e. |flag=value), that can be given anywhere inside the call. The table below shows the available named flags.

To insert a space at the beginning or end of a value, use an underscore _. To get a literal underscore, escape it by placing a backslash \ directly in front of it (i.e. \_); the same holds for a literal backslash (i.e. \\). To get a literal vertical bar |, use {{!}} or &#124;.

Named flag Default value Default condition Description
format= %p[%s][%r] if the property/properties command was given and the qualifier/qualifiers command was not given The format of a single claim. The available parameters are as follows.
Parameter Description
%p The claim's property value applied by the property/properties command.
%q1, %q2, %q3, ... The claim's qualifier value or list of qualifier values applied by the corresponding qualifier/qualifiers command.
%q The collection of the qualifier values applied by each qualifier/qualifiers command (i.e. %q1 + %q2 + %q3 + ...). If only one qualifier/qualifiers command was given, then this parameter is equivalent to %q1.
%r The claim's reference value or list of reference values applied by the reference/references command.
%a The entity's alias applied by the alias/aliases command.
%b The entity's page badge applied by the badge/badges command.
%s The movable separator placeholder. This is a special parameter that is not applied by a command, but instead is filled automatically between each pair of claims, aliases or badges (if a list of claims, aliases or badges is returned). This is particularly handy in case a claim's reference is returned as well, since it allows the reference to be placed after the punctuation mark as prescribed by Wikipedia's manual of style. The default value is a comma (,) and can be overridden with the sep%s flag (see below).

Optional parameters can be given by encapsulating them between square brackets: [...]. All content between the square brackets is only displayed if a value for each optional parameter that has been defined between the same brackets has been found. Optional content can also be nested.

To use two opening square brackets that directly follow each other (i.e. [[), use {{!((}}.

At least one parameter must be given that is not optional, while the %s parameter must always be defined as optional.

To get a literal [, ], % or \, escape the character by placing a backslash \ directly in front of it (e.g. \%). See also the description directly above this table for more.

%q[%s][%r] if the property/properties command was not given and the qualifier/qualifiers command was given
%r if only the reference/references command was given
%p[ <span style="font-size:85\%">(%q)</span>][%s][%r]
if the property/properties command was given and the qualifier/qualifiers command was given
%a[%s] if the alias/aliases command was given
%b[%s] if the badge/badges command was given
sep= _ default The fixed separator between each pair of claims, aliases or badges.
if only the reference/references command was given without the raw flag
sep%s= , default The movable separator between each pair of claims, aliases or badges. This will be the value of the %s parameter applied to all claims, aliases or badges, except for the last in the list (which can be set with the punc flag).
; if the property/properties command was not given and the qualifier/qualifiers command was given
sep%q1=, sep%q2=, sep%q3=, ... ,_ default The separator between each pair of qualifiers of a single claim. These are the value separators for the %q1, %q2, %q3, ... parameters.

If only one qualifier/qualifiers command was given, then the sep%q1 flag is equivalent to sep%q.

sep%q= ,_ if exactly one qualifier/qualifiers command was given The separator between each set of qualifiers of a single claim. This is the value separator for the %q parameter.

If only one qualifier/qualifiers command was given, then this flag is equivalent to sep%q1.

;_ if more than one qualifier/qualifiers command was given
sep%r= default The separator between each pair of references of a single claim. This is the value separator for the %r parameter.
_ if the raw flag was given for the reference/references command
punc= default A punctuation mark placed at the end of the output. This will be placed on the %s parameter applied to the last claim (or alias or badge) in the list.

This allows the last claim's references to be placed after the punctuation mark when the output is used as part of a sentence.


Parameters and output types Example Description
Q55 = "Netherlands", P395 = "licence plate code"



Gets a literal string value.
P395 = "licence plate code"



If the template is transcluded on the Netherlands page (which is linked to Q55), then the Q55 can be omitted.
Q55 = "Netherlands", P395 = "NL"



An entity-ID can also be given using the eid= argument.
P395 = "NL"



A page title can be given instead of an entity-ID using the page= argument.
Q55 = "Netherlands", P395 = "licence plate code"



NL Edit this on Wikidata
Adds a clickable icon that may be used to edit the returned value on Wikidata.
Q55 = "Netherlands", P395 = "licence plate code"



NLEdit this on Wikidata
Places the edit icon at the end of the line.
Q55 = "Netherlands", P1082 = "population"



Gets a single property value from claims with a 'normal' rank or higher.
Q55 = "Netherlands", P1082 = "population"



17,590,672, 10,026,773, 16,779,575, 16,829,289, 17,000,000, 17,081,507, 17,181,084, 17,282,163, 17,407,585
Gets multiple property values from claims with a 'normal' rank or higher.
Q55 = "Netherlands", P1082 = "population", P585 = "point in time"

[quantity], [time]


17,590,672 (1 January 2022), 10,026,773 (1950), 16,779,575 (2013), 16,829,289 (26 August 2014), 17,000,000 (21 March 2016), 17,081,507 (1 January 2017), 17,181,084 (1 January 2018), 17,282,163 (1 January 2019), 17,407,585 (1 January 2020)
Gets a single qualifier value for each claim, additional to the property value.
Q55 = "Netherlands", P1082 = "population", P585 = "point in time"

[quantity], [time], [reference]


17,590,672 (1 January 2022),[1] 10,026,773 (1950),[2] 16,779,575 (2013),[2] 16,829,289 (26 August 2014),[3] 17,000,000 (21 March 2016),[4] 17,081,507 (1 January 2017),[5] 17,181,084 (1 January 2018),[1] 17,282,163 (1 January 2019),[1] 17,407,585 (1 January 2020)[1]
Gets references for each claim.
Q55 = "Netherlands", P1082 = "population"

[quantity], [reference]

A total of {{wikidataOI|property|references|Q55|P1082|fetch=true}} people live in the Netherlands.

A total of 17,590,672[1] people live in the Netherlands.
Gets a property with its references.
Q55 = "Netherlands", P1082 = "population"

[quantity], [reference]

The Netherlands has a population of {{wikidataOI|property|references|Q55|P1082|punc=.|fetch=true}}

The Netherlands has a population of 17,590,672.[1]
Adds a punctuation mark at the end of the output, in front of the references.
Q55 = "Netherlands", P1082 = "population", P585 = "point in time"

[quantity], [time], [reference]


  • 17,590,672[1]
    • 1 January 2022
  • 10,026,773[2]
    • 1950
  • 16,779,575[2]
    • 2013
  • 16,829,289[3]
    • 26 August 2014
  • 17,000,000[4]
    • 21 March 2016
  • 17,081,507[5]
    • 1 January 2017
  • 17,181,084[1]
    • 1 January 2018
  • 17,282,163[1]
    • 1 January 2019
  • 17,407,585[1]
    • 1 January 2020
Returns the output in a custom format.
Q55 = "Netherlands", P1082 = "population", P585 = "point in time"



1 January 2022; 1950; 2013; 26 August 2014; 21 March 2016; 1 January 2017; 1 January 2018; 1 January 2019; 1 January 2020
Gets a single qualifier per claim, by default for multiple matching claims.
Q55 = "Netherlands", P1082 = "population", P585 = "point in time"



1 January 2022
To get a single qualifier for only a single claim, give the single flag too so that only a single claim will be accessed.
Q55 = "Netherlands", P1082 = "population", P585 = "point in time"



Gets a qualifier from claims for which the (raw) property value matches a given literal value.
Q55 = "Netherlands", P1082 = "population", P585 = "point in time"



Gets dates in month-day-year order.
Q55 = "Netherlands", P1082 = "population", P585 = "point in time"



Gets a raw date value.
Q55 = "Netherlands", P1082 = "population"



Gets the references from a particular claim.
Q55 = "Netherlands", P1082 = "population"



"CBS StatLine - Bevolking; kerncijfers". Statistics Netherlands. Archived from the original on 27 August 2015. Retrieved 22 August 2015.
Gets references from a particular claim in their raw form.
Q55 = "Netherlands", P1081 = "Human Development Index"

[quantity], [reference]


0.931,[6] 0.787, 0.799, 0.829,[7][6] 0.861,[6] 0.877,[7] 0.891,[6] 0.909,[7] 0.919,[7] 0.920,[7] 0.920,[7] 0.922,[7] 0.834,[6] 0.835,[6] 0.839,[6] 0.864,[6] 0.866,[6] 0.865,[6] 0.867,[6] 0.870,[6] 0.876,[6] 0.879,[6] 0.878,[6] 0.883,[6] 0.886,[6] 0.897,[6] 0.904,[6] 0.906,[6] 0.906,[6] 0.910,[6] 0.921,[6] 0.921,[6] 0.923,[6] 0.924,[6] 0.926,[6] 0.928[6]
Gets properties from each claim with any references they have.
Q55 = "Netherlands", P1081 = "Human Development Index"

[quantity], [reference]


0.931,[6] 0.829,[7][6] 0.861,[6] 0.877,[7] 0.891,[6] 0.909,[7] 0.919,[7] 0.920,[7] 0.920,[7] 0.922,[7] 0.834,[6] 0.835,[6] 0.839,[6] 0.864,[6] 0.866,[6] 0.865,[6] 0.867,[6] 0.870,[6] 0.876,[6] 0.879,[6] 0.878,[6] 0.883,[6] 0.886,[6] 0.897,[6] 0.904,[6] 0.906,[6] 0.906,[6] 0.910,[6] 0.921,[6] 0.921,[6] 0.923,[6] 0.924,[6] 0.926,[6] 0.928[6]
Only gets properties from claims that have at least one reference.
Q55 = "Netherlands", P2855 = "VAT rate", P518 = "applies to part"

[entity label]


Gets a single qualifier value (for each matching claim).
Q55 = "Netherlands", P2855 = "VAT rate", P518 = "applies to part"

[entity label]


food, medication, assistive technology, magazine, book, art, antique, hairdresser, hotel, campsite, recreation, sport, water
Gets multiple qualifier values (for each matching claim).
Q55 = "Netherlands", P2855 = "VAT rate", P518 = "applies to part"

[quantity], [entity label]


21%, 6% (food, medication, assistive technology, magazine, book, art, antique, hairdresser, hotel, campsite, recreation, sport, water)
Gets multiple property values along with multiple qualifier values.
Q55 = "Netherlands", P2855 = "VAT rate", P518 = "applies to part"

[quantity], [entity label]


21% + 6% (food / medication / assistive technology / magazine / book / art / antique / hairdresser / hotel / campsite / recreation / sport / water)
Returns the output with custom separators.
Q55 = "Netherlands", P35 = "head of state", P580 = "start time", P582 = "end time"

[entity label], [time]


Willem-Alexander of the Netherlands (30 April 2013), Beatrix of the Netherlands (30 April 1980; 30 April 2013), Juliana of the Netherlands (4 September 1948; 30 April 1980), Wilhelmina of the Netherlands (23 November 1890; 4 September 1948), Willem III of the Netherlands (17 March 1849; 23 November 1890), Willem II of the Netherlands (7 October 1840; 17 March 1849), William I of the Netherlands (16 March 1815; 7 October 1840)
Gets two different qualifier values for each claim.
Q55 = "Netherlands", P35 = "head of state", P580 = "start time", P582 = "end time"

[entity label], [time]


Willem-Alexander of the Netherlands (30 April 2013), Beatrix of the Netherlands (30 April 1980 – 30 April 2013), Juliana of the Netherlands (4 September 1948 – 30 April 1980), Wilhelmina of the Netherlands (23 November 1890 – 4 September 1948), Willem III of the Netherlands (17 March 1849 – 23 November 1890), Willem II of the Netherlands (7 October 1840 – 17 March 1849), William I of the Netherlands (16 March 1815 – 7 October 1840)
Returns the output with a custom separator.
Q55 = "Netherlands", P35 = "head of state", P580 = "start time", P582 = "end time"

[entity label], [time]

{{wikidataOI|properties|qualifier|qualifier|normal+|Q55|P35|P580|P582|format=%p[ <span style="font-size:85\%">(%q1[ – %q2])</span>][%s][%r]|fetch=true}}

Willem-Alexander of the Netherlands (30 April 2013), Beatrix of the Netherlands (30 April 1980 – 30 April 2013), Juliana of the Netherlands (4 September 1948 – 30 April 1980), Wilhelmina of the Netherlands (23 November 1890 – 4 September 1948), Willem III of the Netherlands (17 March 1849 – 23 November 1890), Willem II of the Netherlands (7 October 1840 – 17 March 1849), William I of the Netherlands (16 March 1815 – 7 October 1840)
Returns the output in a custom format instead of with a custom separator.
Q55 = "Netherlands", P35 = "head of state", P580 = "start time", P582 = "end time"

[entity label], [time]

{{wikidataOI|properties|qualifier|qualifier|normal+|Q55|P35|P580|P582|format=%p[ <span style="font-size:85\%">([<![]--%q2]since [%q2--[]>]%q1[ – %q2])</span>][%s][%r]|fetch=true}}

Willem-Alexander of the Netherlands (since 30 April 2013), Beatrix of the Netherlands (30 April 1980 – 30 April 2013), Juliana of the Netherlands (4 September 1948 – 30 April 1980), Wilhelmina of the Netherlands (23 November 1890 – 4 September 1948), Willem III of the Netherlands (17 March 1849 – 23 November 1890), Willem II of the Netherlands (7 October 1840 – 17 March 1849), William I of the Netherlands (16 March 1815 – 7 October 1840)
To add text only when a certain value is not present, like adding the word since if there is no end time, wrap it in between two optional blocks containing HTML comment tags and the relevant parameter (this also prevents the text from being added to the page source).
Q55 = "Netherlands", P35 = "head of state", Q29574 = "Beatrix of the Netherlands", P580 = "start time", P582 = "end time"

[entity label], [time]

{{wikidataOI|properties|qualifier|raw|qualifier|normal+|Q55|P35|Q29574|P580|P582|format=%p[ <span style="font-size:85\%">(%q1[ – %q2])</span>][%s][%r]|fetch=true}}

Beatrix of the Netherlands (1980-04-30 – 30 April 2013)
Gets a property with qualifiers from claims for which the property matches a given Q-identifier, with one of the qualifier values in its raw form.
Q55 = "Netherlands", P38 = "currency", P518 = "applies to part"

[entity label]


euro (European Netherlands), United States dollar (Caribbean Netherlands)
Gets claims that are currently valid.
Q55 = "Netherlands", P38 = currency", P518 = "applies to part"

[entity label]


euro (European Netherlands), United States dollar (Caribbean Netherlands)
Gets claims with linked property values.
Q55 = "Netherlands", P38 = currency", P518 = "applies to part"

[entity label]


euro (European Netherlands), United States dollar (Caribbean Netherlands)
Gets claims with linked qualifier values.
Q55 = "Netherlands", P38 = currency", P518 = "applies to part"

[entity label]


euro (European Netherlands), US dollar (Caribbean Netherlands)
Gets claims with linked property and qualifier values, with short property values wherever available.
Q55 = "Netherlands", P38 = currency", Q4917 = "United States dollar", P518 = "applies to part"

[entity label]


Caribbean Netherlands
Gets qualifiers from claims for which the (raw) property value matches a given Q-identifier.
Q55 = "Netherlands", P38 = currency", P518 = "applies to part", Q27561 = "Caribbean Netherlands"

[entity label]


United States dollar
Gets properties from claims for which a (raw) qualifier value matches a given Q-identifier.
Q55 = "Netherlands", P38 = currency"

[entity label]


Dutch guilder
Gets claims that were valid in the past.
Q55 = "Netherlands", P38 = currency"

[entity label]


Gets raw property values.
Q55 = "Netherlands", P38 = currency"

[entity label]


Gets raw property values that are linked to Wikidata.
Q55 = "Netherlands", P1549 = "demonym"

[monolingual text]


Gets a monolingual text value in the current wiki's language.
Q55 = "Netherlands", P1549 = "demonym", P407 = "language of work or name", Q36846 = "Toki Pona"

[monolingual text]


Gets a monolingual text value in any available language.
Q55 = "Netherlands", P2884 = "mains voltage"



230 volt
Gets a quantity value with its associated unit of measurement.
Q55 = "Netherlands", P2884 = "mains voltage"



230 volt
Gets a quantity value with a linked unit of measurement.
Q55 = "Netherlands", P2884 = "mains voltage"



Gets a raw quantity value.
Q55 = "Netherlands", P2884 = "mains voltage"



Gets only the unit of measurement.
Q55 = "Netherlands", P2884 = "mains voltage"



Gets the raw unit of measurement.
Q55 = "Netherlands", P625 = "coordinate location"

[globe coordinate]


52°19'N, 5°33'E
Gets a globe coordinate value.
Q55 = "Netherlands", P625 = "coordinate location"

[globe coordinate]


52°19'N, 5°33'E
Gets a linked globe coordinate value.
Q55 = "Netherlands", P625 = "coordinate location"

[globe coordinate]


Gets a raw globe coordinate value.
Q55 = "Netherlands", P625 = "coordinate location"

[globe coordinate]


52°19'N, 5°33'E
A property alias can be used instead of the P-identifier.
Q55 = "Netherlands", P41 = "flag image"

[commons media]


Flag of the Netherlands.svg
Gets a media file name and links to it on Commons.
Q55 = "Netherlands", P41 = "flag image"

[commons media]

{{wikidataOI|property|raw|Q55|P41|format=\[\[File:%p {{!}} thumb {{!}} left\]\]|fetch=true}}

A Commons media file can be included on the page as-is by omitting the linked and raw flags, but by using the raw flag it can be freely formatted.
Q55 = "Netherlands", P41 = "flag image"

[commons media]

{{wikidataOI|property|raw|date=1700-05-06|Q55|P41|format=\[\[File:%p {{!}} thumb {{!}} left\]\]|fetch=true}}

To get the value of a property that was valid at a given time, the date= argument can be used.
Q55 = "Netherlands", P41 = "flag image"

[commons media]

{{wikidataOI|property|raw|date=1700-05-06|former|Q55|P41|format=\[\[File:%p {{!}} thumb {{!}} left\]\]|fetch=true}}

The time constraint flags work relatively to the date value given for the date= argument.
Q915684 = "Lorentz–Lorenz equation", P2534 = "defining formula"



Gets a mathematical expression.
Q915684 = "Lorentz–Lorenz equation", P7235 = "in defining formula", P9758 = "symbol represents"

[entity label], [math]

<ul>{{wikidataOI|properties|qualifier|linked|Q915684|P7235|P9758|format=<li>%q[ (%p)]</li>|fetch=true}}</ul>

Mathematical expressions can be combined with regular text as usual.
Q6256 = "country", P3896 = "geoshape"

[geographic shape]


Gets a geographic shape data file name and links to it on Commons.
Q4917 = "United States dollar"

[entity label]


United States dollar
Gets an item's label.
Q4917 = "United States dollar"

[entity label]


US dollar
Gets an item's short and linked label.
P38 = currency"

[entity label]


Gets a property's label.
P38 = currency"

[entity label]


Gets a property's label that is linked to Wikidata.
Q776 = "Utrecht"

[entity label]


Gets an item's label.
Q776 = "Utrecht"

[entity label]


Gets an item's linked label.

[entity label]


If the template is transcluded on the Utrecht (province) page (which is linked to Q776), then the Q776 can be omitted.

[entity label]


If just the label command with the raw flag is given, then the Q-identifier of the item connected to the current page is returned.

[entity label]


If additionally the linked flag is given, then the Q-identifier of the item connected to the current page is linked to Wikidata.
Q776 = "Utrecht"

[page title]


Utrecht (province)
Gets the title of the page on the current wiki that is linked to the given item.
Q776 = "Utrecht"

[page title]


Utrecht (province)
Gets the linked title of the page on the current wiki that is linked to the given item.

[page title]


Utrecht (province)
If the template is transcluded on the Utrecht (province) page (which is linked to Q776), then the Q776 can be omitted.
Q55 = "Netherlands"

[entity description]


country in Northwestern Europe with territories in the Caribbean
Gets an item's description.

[entity description]


country in Northwestern Europe with territories in the Caribbean
If the template is transcluded on the Netherlands page (which is linked to Q55), then the Q55 can be omitted.
Q55 = "Netherlands"

[entity alias]


Gets one of an item's aliases.
Q55 = "Netherlands"

[entity alias]


Holland, the Netherlands, NL, NED, Nederland, nl, 🇳🇱, Netherlands (after 1945)
Gets all of an item's aliases.
Q55 = "Netherlands"

[entity alias]


Gets a linked alias from an item.

[entity alias]


If the template is transcluded on the Netherlands page (which is linked to Q55), then the Q55 can be omitted.
Q2 = "Earth"

[page badge]


featured article badge
Gets the badges for the page on the current wiki that is linked to the given item.
Q2 = "Earth"

[page badge]


Gets the raw badges for the page on the current wiki that is linked to the given item.

[page badge]


featured article badge
If the template is transcluded on the Earth page (which is linked to Q2), then the Q2 can be omitted.
Q28865 = "Python", P548 = "version type", P348 = "software version identifier",

[version], [reference]


3.11.3[8] Edit this on Wikidata
Get Python's latest stable release version with its references. You may want to use P548=Q2122918 to get the latest preview release version.

Example references

  1. ^ a b c d e f g h i j "Bevolking; kerncijfers, 1950-2022".
  2. ^ a b c d e "CBS StatLine - Bevolking; kerncijfers". Statistics Netherlands. Archived from the original on 27 August 2015. Retrieved 22 August 2015.
  3. ^ a b "CBS StatLine - Bevolking; kerncijfers". Archived from the original on 3 September 2014. Retrieved 26 August 2014.
  4. ^ a b "Nederland telt 17 miljoen inwoners". 21 March 2016.
  5. ^ a b "Bevolking; kerncijfers, 1950-2022". Retrieved 18 March 2023.
  6. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z aa ab ac ad ae af ag ah ai aj ak al am an ao ap aq ar as at au av aw ax ay az ba bb bc bd "Human Development Data (1990-2017)". Human Development Report. Archived from the original on 30 December 2018.
  7. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n "Netherlands". Archived from the original on 2 February 2017.
  8. ^ "It's time for another set of Python releases! Python 3.11.3, 3.10.11 and 3.12 alpha 7 are now available". 5 April 2023. Retrieved 6 April 2023.



This template fetches data from the centralized knowledge base Wikidata. To edit the data, click on "Wikidata item" in the left sidebar.

Template parameters

No parameters specified

See also

  • {{Wikidata}}, the same template but without the opt-in toggle.
  • Module:Wd, the source module that is called by this template
  • {{Wdib}}, a wrapper template for the getValue call in Module:WikidataIB
  • {{Wikidata entity link}} or redirect {{Q}}), to add a Wikidata entity link to a Wikipedia page
  • {{Wikidata property link}} or redirect {{Property}}, to add a Wikidata property link to a Wikipedia page
  • {{Wikidata property}}, to add a Wikidata property {{side box}} to a Wikipedia page or template documentation
  • {{Uses Wikidata}}, to add a Wikidata property box to the documentation of a template or module
  • {{Tracks Wikidata}}, to add a Wikidata property box to the documentation of a template, module, or category
  • {{Wikidata editnotice}}, an editnotice for articles that make extensive use of this template
  • {{Pageid to title}}, to get a page title using its local page id, rather than Wikidata