
Terpodion Johann David Buschmann (1773-1852) At 1825 Berlin Signatur „J.D. Buschmann in Berlin“ Klaviaturumfang: F1-f4 (six octaves) Restored 2006/07: Andreas Hermert / Meike Wolters, H 830 mm, B 1296 mm, T 666 mm, Inv.-Nr.: V/J 417, Städtische Museen Junge Kunst und Viadrina, 15230 Frankfurt (Oder)

The terpodion or uranion is a keyboard instrument which produces sound using the same friction principle as the glass armonica. Instead of rotating glass bells a wooden cylinder is rotating. This cylinder is coated with a special mixture. Examples of these instruments can be seen in museums all over Europe, including museums in Copenhagen, Leipzig, Vienna, London, Brussels, Stockholm, Jevišovice and Frankfurt/Oder.