The Boys is an adult superhero comic book series, written by Garth Ennis and co-created, designed, and illustrated by Darick Robertson. The first volume was published by WildStorm, which canceled it after six issues; the series was picked up by Dynamite Entertainment, which published the following eight volumes: Get Some, Good for the Soul, We Gotta Go Now, The Self-Preservation Society, The Innocents, The Big Ride, Over the Hill with the Swords of a Thousand Men, and The Bloody Doors Off.[1] Debuting in October 2006, the series concluded in November 2012 after 72 issues were published. In the fourth volume, the series is revealed to be set in the same fictional universe as Ennis' previous 1995–2000 DC Vertigo series, Preacher, with former vampire Proinsias Cassidy cameoing as a bartender. Three 6-issue spin-off limited series were also produced during the series' original run: Herogasm, Highland Laddie, and Butcher, Baker, Candlestickmaker, with an 8-issue epilogue series, Dear Becky, published from June–December 2020.
The book was adapted by Amazon Studios and Sony Pictures Television into a five-season television series that premiered July 26, 2019 on Amazon Prime Video, from which a franchise was launched comprising the web series Seven on 7 with Cameron Coleman, which premiered July 7, 2021, the spin-off animated anthology series, Diabolical, which premiered March 4, 2022 (of which the third episode, "I'm Your Pusher", is set in the same continuity as the comic series), and the live-action spin-off series Gen V, which premiered September 29, 2023.[1][2]