"The King and the Beggar-maid" is a 16th-century broadside ballad[1] that tells of an African king, Cophetua, and his love for the beggar Penelophon (Shakespearean Zenelophon). Artists and writers have referenced the story, and King Cophetua has become a byword for "a man who falls in love with a woman instantly and proposes marriage immediately".[2]
^Thelma G. James (1933), "The English and Scottish Popular Ballads of Francis J. Child", The Journal of American Folklore, Vol. 46 (No. 179), pp. 51–68.
Andrew Delahunty and Sheila Dignen, eds. (2010), "Cophetua, King", The Oxford Dictionary of Reference and Allusion (Oxford University Press). Retrieved 22 December 2018.