The Merchants of Bollywood is an Australian musical written and directed by Toby Gough. The show is about the history of the Bollywood film industry, and it is named after Hiralalji Merchant and his grand daughter Vaibhavi Merchant, two notable Indian choreographers. The set and lighting design was by Liz Berry and the costumes were designed by Falguni Thakore and Bipin.[1] The musical has been described as "an Indian version of the Billy Elliot story" and is choreographed by Vaibhavi Merchant.[2] It was the first ever Bollywood production to tour straight from Film City in Mumbai. When the show reached Australia in February 2008, there had been 400 performances seen by 500,000 patrons.[3] The show toured the United Kingdom, various parts of Europe, the United States,[4] Australia,[5] Canada and various parts of Asia.