The Year 3,000

Cover of the original edition

The Year 3,000 (Italian: L'Anno 3000) is a novel written in 1897 by Paolo Mantegazza, an Italian writer and physician. It is a short romance which follows the typical utopian forecasting of life and society in the future, which was common at the end of the 19th century in the Western countries, so enthused with the fantastic and exceedingly rapid new conquests of science and technology brought about by the Industrial Revolution and new forms of energy, such as electricity, and the plethora of inventions such as the telegraph, the telephone, the electric light, the phonograph, steam, internal combustion and electric engines, etc. Authors such as Jules Verne exploited successfully this desire of the public for prediction of the future, and Mantegazza belongs to this trend; he was a scientist with a strong optimism about the eventual victory of internationalism, pacifism, hedonism, etc.

In this book, Mantegazza foresees with remarkable accuracy important social and economic movements and global political changes which actually have occurred since the last decades of the 20th century, such as the defeat of the communist regimes and the appearance of the United Nations Organization and the European Community.