Theologian of the Pontifical Household

In the Roman Catholic Church, Theologian of the Pontifical Household (Latin: Pontificalis Domus Doctor Theologus) is a Roman Curial office which has always been entrusted to a Friar Preacher of the Dominican Order and may be described as the pope's theologian. The title was formerly known as the Master of the Sacred Apostolic Palace (Latin: Magister Sacri Palatii Apostolici) before the changes implemented in Pope Paul VI's 1968 apostolic letter Pontificalis Domus.[1]

  1. ^ See Pontificalis Domus 7, §4: Magister Sacri Palatii Apostolici munera sua servat; appellabitur autem Pontificalis Domus Doctor Theologus. ("The Master of the Sacred Apostolic Palace keeps his functions; he will be called, however, the Doctor Theologian to the Pontifical Household."