
In Greek mythology, Theope (Ancient Greek: Θεόπης) may refer to the two distinct women:

  • Theope, an Athenian daughter of Leos, and sister of Praxithea and Eubule.[1] These women were said to have sacrificed themselves voluntarily, or to have been freely sacrificed by their father, for the safety of Athens in obedience to the Delphian oracle. A temenos called the Leocorium was dedicated to the worship of these three maidens at Athens.[2]
  • Theope, one of the Maenads who tried to kill King Lycurgus of Thrace.[3]
  1. ^ Apollodorus, 3.15.8, f.n. 3 as noted by Heyne; 12.28; Aelian, Varia Historia 12.28
  2. ^ Cicero, De Natura Deorum 3.50; Apollodorus, 3.15.8, f.n. 3 as noted by Heyne; Pausanias, 1.5.2; Aelian, Varia Historia 12.28; Photius' Lexicon; Suida, Suda Encyclopedia s.v. Leokorion; Etymologicum Magnum 560.34; Scholia on Thucidides, 1.20, on Demosthenes 54.7; Apostolius, Cent. 10.53; Aristides, Orations 13, vol. i, pp. 191 ff., ed. Dindorf
  3. ^ Nonnus, 21.86