Tianma Wan

Tianma Wan (Chinese: 天麻丸) is a blackish-brown pill used in Traditional Chinese medicine to "relieve rheumatism, alleviate muscle contracture, remove obstructions from collaterals and channels, promote blood circulation and relieve pain."[1] It is slightly aromatic and tastes slightly sweet and bitter. It is used where there is a "deficiency of liver and kidney, stagnation of wind-damp marked by muscle contracture and numbness of the limbs, aching in the loins and legs."[2] The binding agent of the pill is honey.

  1. ^ State Pharmacopoeia Commission of the PRC (2005). "Pharmacopoeia of The People's Republic of China (Volume I)". Chemical Industry Press. ISBN 7-117-06982-1.
  2. ^ Long Zhixian, Li Qingye, Liu Zhanwen. "Formulas of Traditional Chinese Medicine" (方剂学 fāngjì xué), Academy Press (学苑出版社 xuéyuàn chūbǎnshè), Beijing University of Traditional Medicine. 2005. ISBN 7-5077-1270-2.