
A touchpoint can be defined as any way consumers can interact with a business organization, whether person-to-person, through a website, an app or any form of communication ("Touchpoint Glossary", n.d.). When consumers connect with these touchpoints they can consider their perceptions of the business and form an opinion (Stein, & Ramaseshan, 2016).

Touchpoints in marketing communications are the varying ways a brand interacts and displays information to current and prospective customers. Touchpoints allow customers to have experiences every time they "touch" any part of the product, service, brand or organization, across multiple channels and various points in time (Pantano and Viassone, 2015 and Zomerdijk and Voss, 2010). Customers' opinions and perceptions are largely influenced by the contact that is made with these touchpoints, which can be positive or negative depending wholly on the individual person (Meyer, & Schwager, 2007). Touchpoints have the ability to influence a consumer's buying or purchase intent throughout the five stages of the buyer purchasing decision-making process - namely problem recognition, information search, the evaluation of alternatives, purchase decision, and post-purchase behaviour (Kotler, Burton, Deans, Brown, Armstrong, 2013).

Touchpoints exist in both Business-to-Business (B2B) and Business-to-Consumer (B2C) settings (Lemke, Clark, & Wilson, 2010). A touchpoint is a mechanism by which a brand reaches out to their target market, assisting engagement and creating the potential for the prospective customer to experience the brand in a favorable way. The goal of an effective touchpoint is that it will create an opportunity for the purchaser to choose their brand over another competitor.

Touchpoints are elements in the IMC (integrated marketing communications), which portray the willingness on behalf of the brand communicators to use specific communication motives to reach the appropriate target audience. This is used to engage customers in the pre- and post-purchase experience of both goods and services. Touchpoints enable prospective customers to become knowledgeable about the brand and the benefits offered, and support them as they make buying decisions.

An example of a brand using effective touchpoints in their marketing communications is Toyota selling the Yaris car model to the youth segment. Toyota used TV advertising for the Yaris in programs such as Prison Break, whose viewers are typically in their targeted age bracket. Toyota hosted an internet contest where consumers could create their own three-minute television commercials. This method engaged the youth segment as it was interactive and let their target consumers experience the brand. Toyota also knew that the youth age group were sociable and would likely to attend social functions; this meant that Yaris cars were featured in many sponsored events. They were also integrated into television comedy programs, which attracted their targeted segment during adverts (Shimp, 2005, c2009). Touchpoints in after sales marketing are experienced in Reception, Service desk, Service manager, Dialogue inspection, Workshops, and Rental car.