Turma do Lambe-Lambe was a Brazilian media franchise created by comic book artist Daniel Azulay in 1975. The franchise follows a group of characters that consist of human kids and anthropomorphic animals. It was publicly recognized in 1976 when Daniel Azulay signed a contract with the channel TV Educativa (currently known as TV Brasil) to present a children's show, known as A Turma do Lambe-Lambe, from which he used these characters.[1] The program, however, was more successful on Rede Bandeirantes, where it was broadcast until 1986 and marked a legacy as one of the most popular children's shows in Brazil during the 1980s. During this time, A Turma do Lambe-Lambe produced a series of comic books and several LP albums, which were subsequently re-released in CD format..[2]