
Tzigane is a rhapsodic composition by the French composer Maurice Ravel. The original instrumentation was for violin and piano (with optional luthéal attachment). The first performance took place in London on 26 April 1924 with the dedicatee, Hungarian violinist Jelly d'Arányi, on the violin and Henri Gil-Marchex at the piano (with luthéal). In his biographical sketch of 1928[1] Ravel spoke of it as "a virtuoso piece in the style of a Hungarian rhapsody". It consists of "a string of successive variations juxtaposed without development".[2]

  1. ^ Dictated to Roland-Manuel, and quoted in Roland-Manuel. Maurice Ravel. Dennis Dobson Ltd, London, 1947, p91.
  2. ^ Jankélévitch, Vladimir. Ravel (translated by Margaret Crosland, Evergreen Profile Book 3. Grove Press, New York & John Calder, London, 1959, p61.