Ubi sunt

Ubi sunt (lit.'where are they') is a rhetorical question taken from the Latin phrase Ubi sunt qui ante nos fuerunt?, meaning 'Where are those who were before us?'. Ubi nunc (lit.'where now') is a common variant.[1]

Sometimes interpreted to indicate nostalgia, the ubi sunt motif is a meditation on mortality and life's transience.

Ubi sunt is a phrase which was originally derived from a passage in the Book of Baruch (3:16–19) in the Vulgate Latin Bible beginning Ubi sunt principes gentium? 'Where are the princes of the nations?'. It became commonplace in medieval literature.

  1. ^ Bright, James W. (1893). "The " ubi sunt " Formula". Modern Language Notes. 8 (3): 94. doi:10.2307/2918652. JSTOR 2918652.