Undefined (mathematics)

In mathematics, the term undefined is often used to refer to an expression which is not assigned an interpretation or a value (such as an indeterminate form, which has the possibility of assuming different values).[1] The term can take on several different meanings depending on the context. For example:

  • In various branches of mathematics, certain concepts are introduced as primitive notions (e.g., the terms "point", "line" and "plane" in geometry). As these terms are not defined in terms of other concepts, they may be referred to as "undefined terms".
  • A function is said to be "undefined" at points outside of its domain – for example, the real-valued function is undefined for  .
  • In algebra, some arithmetic operations may not assign a meaning to certain values of its operands (e.g., division by zero). In which case, the expressions involving such operands are termed "undefined".[2]
  1. ^ Weisstein, Eric W. "Undefined". mathworld.wolfram.com. Retrieved 2019-12-15.
  2. ^ Bogomolny, Alexander. "Undefined vs Indeterminate in Mathematics". Cut-the-Knot. Retrieved 2019-12-15.