Unicorn Tales is a series of eight musical short films for young audiences created and directed by Nick De Noia in association with NBC that aired sporadically as television specials as well as 16 mm educational films. Each 23-minute episode, made in 1977 or 1978, tells a modern version of a fairy tale with three songs integral to the story's narratives and themes. Some of the child actors went on to later fame, including Ava Haddad, Alex Paez, Michael Eric Kramer, Tisha Campbell, Marcelino Sanchez, and Trini Alvarado. Most episodes were set in Unicorn City, a lightly fictionalized version of New York City with the same mayor, Abraham Beame, featuring a multicultural cast. A stock company of actors appeared in various episodes, usually in different roles, although characters from The Magic Hat appear in Carnival Circus. A lead actor in one episode may be an extra in others.