Unity of effort

Unity of effort is the state of harmonizing efforts among multiple organizations working towards a similar objective.[1] This prevents organizations from working at cross purposes and it reduces duplication of effort. Multiple organizations can achieve unity of effort through shared common objectives. In military operations, unity of effort is similar to unity of command except it usually relates to coordinating organizations not in the same command, such as in interagency operations. In this case, unity of effort is often achieved through campaign plans or coordinating committees[2] instead of through a unified commander. In emergency management, unity of effort describes the integrated approach by different levels of government and multiple civilian organizations in response to the event.

  1. ^ Lawrence, Scott. Joint C2 Through Unity of Command, Joint Forces Quarterly, Autumn/Winter 1994-95, p. 107.
  2. ^ Hoffman, F. G. "The Anatomy of the Long War's Failings", Vol 14, No 16, June 2009.