
Universalization is an incipient concept describing the next phase of human development, marking the transition from trans-national to interplanetary relations and much more aggressive exploitation of opportunities that lie beyond the confines of Earth. As both a process and an end state, universalization implies an increasingly pervasive, abiding and singular human focus not only on global issues per se but on social, technological, economic and cultural challenges and opportunities extending into our solar system, our galaxy, and well beyond, where cooperation supersedes conflict negotiation.[1] Its origins are associated with the incipient expansion of social, economic, and political relationships that have emerged in the wake of globalization and that increasingly define the planet, its place within the broader universe and the sustainability of humanity and our diversity.

  1. ^ Edmonds, Lorna Jean and WE (Ted) Hewitt, "The 21st Century and the Advent of Universalization" in Ram Jakhu, Kuan-Wei Chen & Yaw Nyampong, ads, Monograph Series III: Global Space Governance (Montreal: McGill Centre for Research in Air and Space Law, 2015) 119