Unknown Archon

Unknown Archon
Prince of Sorbia (ἄρχων Σερβλίας)
Prince of Sorbia
Reignfl. 626–50
Bornlate 6th century
White Serbia
Diedbefore 680
DynastyVlastimirović (progenitor)
ReligionSlavic pagan

The term Unknown Archon, Unknown Prince,[1] or Unnamed Serbian Archon[2] (Serbian: Непознати архонт / непознати кнез / неименовани српски архонт, Nepoznati arhont / nepoznati knez / neimenovani srpski arhont) refers to a prince of the Sorbs of the first half of the 7th century who supposedly led his people from their original homeland in White Serbia to settle in the Balkans during the reign of Byzantine Emperor Heraclius (610–641), as mentioned in Emperor Constantine VII's work De Administrando Imperio (written in 950s). The work does not record his name, but states that he was the progenitor of the first Serbian dynasty (known in historiography as the Vlastimirović dynasty), and that he died before the arrival of the Bulgars on the Balkans (680), succeeded by his son, and then grandson.[3][4]

  1. ^ Dejan Nikolić (1996). Svi vladari Srbije. Narodna biblioteka "Resavska škola". p. 26. Н- непознато име ? - претпоставља се (не зна се) Н. архонт (кнез) из времена цара Ираклија (610-641) + око 680. I Н. архонт (кнез) I Н. архонт (кнез) Вишеслав, кнез (око 780
  2. ^ Живковић 2006, pp. 11.
  3. ^ Miloš Blagojević (2001). Državna uprava u srpskim srednjovekovnim zemljama. Službeni list SRJ. p. 14. ISBN 9788635504971.
  4. ^ Čedomir Popov (2000). Istorija srpske državnosti. Srpska akademija nauka i umetnosti. p. 53. „архонт Србин" (умро пре 680)