User:Andrew Gray/Election statistics

I thought people would be interested to read some statistics on various pageviews during the US election campaign. Because we use UTC for the statistics, the "election day" figures can't really be determined, but we can average the two relevant days to get an idea of what peak traffic looked like. I've given two sets of stats for each one - the daily average during the month of October[1] to gauge underlying interest, and the two-day average on the 4th/5th to show the peak. For articles directly related to Obama, I've also given figures for the 4th November only; this cuts out some of the US election day traffic, but does mean we don't get skewed by the "post-victory surge" of people going to find out who this new guy is. As usual, all statistics are taken from

  1. ^ All October hits/day are from the monthly data divided by 29, to account for the two missing days