
Welcome!! I am just another (Ano) Wikipedia user (User). I have been using Wikipedia since my high school years, and it has really helped me in doing research and citing references for papers that I have written in college. I have been editing and authoring Wikipedia articles out of the sheer interest in contributing to human knowledge, and as a user, I want to say that I am delighted to be a part of this organization. I want to take this time to thank the Wikimedia Foundation and all its contributers for having developed such a marvelous charitable organization that is dedicated to the advancement of education for all people, no matter what language they speak.

I would like to encourage more experienced users to edit pages I create, as well as edit, for Wikipedia, whenever they feel they have to be updated or changed in any way, shape, or form. Please note that I will try to communicate with those who seem to have a great understanding on how to create new articles and who know how to develop creative user pages.