User:Antaeus Feldspar/scratch/Frame (computer science)

In computer science, a frame is a construct

Add article on "frame" in the sense of computer science (a set of variables and code conditions and ... uh.... suchlike... and stuff...)

Taken from [1]: C. The Stack - Like a stack in C/C++, but simplier.

The Stack is a Stack of Function FRAMES.

Whenever a function is called, it creates a FRAME for itself.

The Frame contains all the local information to the function - things like local variables - both explicit (the ones you know about) and some implicit (the compiler creates for you - Things like return values and in some cases arguments to functions)

The Stack Operations: Push, Pop, "Peek"

  • Push/Pop - Stack Frames are being pushed/poped off the stack.
  • Peek - Whenver a function is running it may need to use the space it has set aside for itself (I.e. peek at it's data)