User:Barkjon/User Page

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Journeyman Editor
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Barkjon's status: BUSY


This user has been suspected to be their own grandfather. Feel the music...let the feeling of your head asploding as you try to figure out this paradox swim away. Now, close your eyes. *HYPODERMIC NEEDLE!* Now you...are dead. I'm my own grampaw, I'm my own grampaw...

HI! I'm Barkjon! I got my username from the Redwall book "Martin the Warrior". In the book, Barkjon is Felldoh's father, as you Redwall lovers probably know. Oh yeah, I joined in July 2007, on the 16th, I think. if you browse my page, you'll see that I like userboxes and WikiProjects, as well as music! I operate a bot named BarkBot.