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I have been a Contributor to Wikipedia for a long time now and feel as though I have earned the respect of my fellow editors through my helpful nature and ability to work with others without getting into all kinds of edit wars. I feel a peaceful, yet bold approach is always best to accomplish the goal at hand. I have been accused a few times of being the subject of various articles simply because I defend them so passionately. I defend them because I know the history and don't need a cub wanna be reporter or investigator telling me what's right or wrong. As an historian I lived most of it and witnessed the rest of it. But I can assure you that I personally have no articles of myself on Wikipedia.

I set my efforts towards patrolling for vandalism in articles. I cannot understand why people want to harm other peoples work, yet, they do it all the time and it sure keeps those of us who revert these actions busy. But I have no tolerance for this and will do whatever I can to help control it!

I am an entertainment historian who works in the field of movies, television and music of all genres. I am an adviser and historian of record for the Smithsonian Institution in Washington,DC. I retired from serving on review panels for prestigious schools such as Cambridge and the Juilliard. If you have an entertainment question, drop me a line.

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