
Since there seems to be the false belief that if you don't have a bio for yourself or a nonsensical name, you're not real.

Born in 1985, eastern Europe style in the Ukraine, now I am living mainly in Berlin for the past years. Online I am maybe most remarkable as a long-time gamer and streamer from the JTV days, now onto Twitch for 12 years+ and still going. I am a huge Star Trek and sci-fi/fantasy fan, and drifting into game development as a way of story-telling from wider perspective than mainstream hetero-patriarchal stuff. Otherwise, I have traveled all over most of the northern hemisphere and still hope to make it to Australia, New Zealand and other places in the southern hemisphere one day. Hope you're not surprised, but I do have a doctorate also. I don't let it define me.

I am a general Wikipedia user and occasional editor. Since in all of my university courses, we were not allowed to use Wikipedia as a source, since it is user edited, maybe I spent less time here than average person. When I do use it or have edited, it is on topics of interest to me, Star Trek and sci-fi related, and Native Americans, which are popular still where I live and where I come from. Most Star Trek fans are GREAT at updating and correcting everything Star Trek anyplace, I rarely did come across anything needing correction on Wikipedia. Excellent record for ST!