User:Dan Parnell

I am a longtime wikipedia editor who believes incremental minor improvements often result in a better article with greater consensus than sweeping and controversial overhauls. As such, my editing history tends towards small corrections or enhancements to existing articles, though I will rollback obvious vandalism when I see it.

I was born in Western New York in 1986, and moved to Melbourne in 2004 to attend the Florida Institute of Technology, where I have remained. I studied Aviation Management with Flight at the Bachelor of Science level at the Florida Institute of Technology, and earned several FAA certificates, ratings, and endorsements while in flight training at FIT Aviation. I have seen and experienced Florida from high above, and enjoy a perspective shared by few.

I am currently running for the United States House of Representatives; for more information on that, I invite you to visit my Dan Parnell for Congress campaign website. I am committed to a bold progressive agenda for Florida's 15th District, bringing jobs, liberty, and equality to all Space Coast citizens with a focus on reform, modernization, and efficiency. I also maintain a personal website called Airman Dan, which has an infrequently-updated blog, a few photo galleries, and a couple videos. I really ought to update it more, but running for Congress demands a lot of my attention these days.

I do not generally monitor articles that I make minor corrections to. If I have corrected it wrongly, please feel free to just fix it. You need not stop to inform me, though if you are here for that purpose I do appreciate the courtesy. On the other hand, if I made a glaring error of some sort, I would like to know about that so that I can avoid a repeat of that kind of error in the future.

Thanks for stopping by!