
If this template is included on a page, DrTrigonBot modifies the page content according to given criteria and inserts text from aribrary sources (if they have changed). In case of problems, please leave a hint on this page (in English or German please). This template was derived from Template:Auto archiving notice an simplified.

Supported are all (plain) text sources, HTML sources by using regex and BeautifulSoup (thus partial XML support also) as well as RSS sources (through online RSS2HTML conversion, alternative with feed2html and Universal Feed Parser on the TS). Those sources may be ZIP compressed too. Last it is possible to use pure Wikipedia sources also.

One thing to be aware of and keep in mind upon using external sources is the copyright - the external page used as source, has to be either available under a free license - like it is the case for and - or the user has to show probable cause to be the author of the contents used from there. The choice has to be done carefully (e.g. avoid pages containing lots of advertising).