
crPatrol - Page re-creation scanner

This tool checks the creation log for a selected namespace and retrieves the list of pages created since the most recent scan. The tool then checks for an entry in the deletion log within a specified timeframe, that is, was this page deleted two days ago and now being created again? Variant capitalisations of the article title are optionally checked.

The newly-creating user is checked against the previous creator and if these are the same, this is also reported.

The purpose of this tool is to identify articles that are being repeatedly re-created in order to 1) aid in deciding speedy-deletion criteria; 2) identify users who may need guidance in the criteria for article creation. The primary target would be new-page patrollers and possibly admins if enforcement is needed in cases of abuse.

There has been some indication from the Bot Approval Group that it would be desirable to "bot-i-fy" this tool and insert the results into the Wikipedia space for use by the community.