
I'm one of a growing number of people who capture my day-to-day experiences using portable or wearable devices that measure electrical signals on the body or from the environs in which the body is situated (e.g. to capture, store, recall, and share, that which we sense).

Examples of other people who also do this include Joi Ito, Chris Aimone, James Fung, various others in the U.K., Boston, Japan, etc., and most recently, to some extent, Arun from Montreal and Stefanos Pantagis from New York who is also introducting the idea of glogging to a large community of blind poets. Samples from their glogs appear on one of about a dozen World Sousveillance Day websites scattered around the world. We started these sites in response to our observation that we tended to be constantly harrassed by the very people who run surveillance operations (i.e. by security guards in places where there's lots of surveillance), but our artistic practice of inverse surveillance has spread more widely to also include casual capture of personal life without necessarily the intent of social commentary.

We also often use the website, but I leave that site mostly up to the others to use as their intellectual playground.

My own site (which is an intentionally disorganized dump of my thoughts and ideas) is
