Use redirect at: Young adult animation. mentioned on: List of adult animated television series, Young adult (disambiguation), List of adult animated television series before 1990, Animated series with LGBT characters: 2020s, Animated series with LGBT characters: 2020s, List of adult animated television series of the 1990s, History of LGBT characters in animation: 2020s#Young adult animation, History of LGBT characters in animation: 2010s#Young adult animation, List of animated series with LGBT characters: 2020–present, List of adult animated television series of the 2000s, List of adult animated television series of the 2010s, List of adult animated television series of the 2020s, Non-binary characters in fiction, History of LGBT characters in animation, History of LGBT characters in animation, Kipo and the Age of Wonderbeasts, and 20th Television Animation.
Young adult animation (also known as YA animation) is any type of animated motion work that is catered specifically to |young adult interests, and is mainly targeted and marketed towards young adults, i.e. those age 12 to 18, as opposed to children, adults, or all-ages audiences. Works in this medium could be considered young adult for any number of reasons, which include the incorporation of complex themes, emotionally mature storylines, and dark comedy.[1]
Some productions are noted for their coming of age stories about acceptance, identity, power, and grief.[1] This includes animated films, television series, and web series.