
"Hobbyfotowiki" is an ornithologically, easy to inspire, hobby photographer, who likes to support Wikipedia with pictures (which all can be used freely)

Direct Link to the pictures:


Comment by Hobbyfotowiki:

There is the problem to allow everybody to use this pictures include unfortunately the enemies of birds, who want to kill them (by hunting) or scare them away. For example the advertising association of Puchheim (a town near Munich)" published on their webpage "Puchheimer Stadtportal" an article about attacks with noise and falcons on rooks (Corvus frugilegus), living in their city and use the photo "Saatkrähe 3". It make sense to add, that due to the strong decline, the rook should be particularly protected in germany. And indeed it is often claimed this species would have such a status.

===== My pictures are public domain, but I appeal to avoid choosing them for publications propagating the killing, trapping or the different methods to scaring away  birds. =====