
“[...] The director of the Kiev City Museum, a nice man beset with worry that his beloved collection was about to lose its premises to the new High Court, once gave me a peroration on the superiority of Ukrainian [culture] over Russian culture. ‘When we were building Santa Sofia, over there’ – waving an arm vaguely eastwards – ‘there was nothing but wolves.’ For my benefit, he said, he was talking in Russian. But did he speak Ukrainian at home? He blushed a little and shifted in his chair: ‘Well, you know how it is, it isn’t easy...’[.]”
• Reid, Anna (1997, 1999). Borderland : A Journey Through The History of Ukraine. Boulder, Colo. : Westview Press, page 86.

День, коли Україна воскрес із мертвих.
Вільні нарешті! Вільні нарешті! Слава Богу, Всемогутній! Ми вільні нарешті!