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Babel user information
ket-0 This user has no knowledge of Ket (or understands it with considerable difficulty).
Users by language
Current time: Tuesday, October 1, 2024, 19:19 (UTC) Number of articles on English Wikipedia: 6,889,738

A user who edits astronomy and language articles. TWL

Articles created:

{{Starbox begin
| name = <!--Name of the star (if one star), or the name of the system (if two or more stars)--> 
<!-- {{Starbox image
| image = <!--image location, formatted as "[[File:Example.jpg|250px]]"-->
| caption = <!--caption (optional)-->
| credit = <!--credit for image if the image's use requires them (optional)--> 
}} -->
{{Starbox observe
| epoch = <!--Epoch of observation-->
| equinox = <!--Equinox of coordinates (defaults to epoch)-->
| constell = <!--Constellation name-->
| pronounce = <!--Pronunciation guide-->
| ra = <!--Right Ascension – use {{RA|hh|mm|ss.dddd}} or {{Deg2HMS|ddd.dddd|sup=yes}}-->
| dec = <!--Declination-->
| appmag_v = <!--Apparent magnitude (Johnson-Cousins V  system)--> 
{{Starbox character
| engvar=en-UK <!-- for articles written in variants of English where "colour" is the correct spelling -->
| type = <!--Type of star (e.g., main sequence star, protostar, white dwarf, neutron star, etc.)-->
| class = <!--Stellar class-->
| appmag_1_passband = <!-- Passband for first apparent magnitude (e.g., H, J, K, etc.) -->
| appmag_1 = <!-- Value of first apparent magnitude  -->
| appmag_2_passband = <!-- Passband for second apparent magnitude (e.g., H, J, K, etc.) -->
| appmag_2 = <!-- Value of second apparent magnitude  -->
| appmag_3_passband = <!-- Passband for third apparent magnitude (e.g., H, J, K, etc.) -->
| appmag_3 = <!-- Value of third apparent magnitude  -->
| appmag_4_passband = <!-- Passband for fourth apparent magnitude (e.g., H, J, K, etc.) -->
| appmag_4 = <!-- Value of fourth apparent magnitude  -->
| appmag_5_passband = <!-- Passband for fifth apparent magnitude (e.g., H, J, K, etc.) -->
| appmag_5 = <!-- Value of fifth apparent magnitude  -->
| appmag_6_passband = <!-- Passband for sixth apparent magnitude (e.g., H, J, K, etc.) -->
| appmag_6 = <!-- Value of sixth apparent magnitude  -->
| appmag_7_passband = <!-- Passband for seventh apparent magnitude (e.g., H, J, K, etc.) -->
| appmag_7 = <!-- Value of seventh apparent magnitude  -->
| appmag_8_passband = <!-- Passband for eighth apparent magnitude (e.g., H, J, K, etc.) -->
| appmag_8 = <!-- Value of eighth apparent magnitude  -->
| r-i = <!--R−I color-->
| v-r = <!--V−R color-->
| b-v = <!--B−V color-->
| u-b = <!--U−B color-->
| j-h = <!--J−H color-->
| j-k = <!--J−K color-->
| variable = <!--Variability type--> 
{{Starbox astrometry
 | radial_v = <!--Radial velocity (in km/sec)-->
 | total_v = <!--Total velocity (radial velocity combined with proper motion in km/sec)-->
 | prop_mo_ra = <!--Proper motion (RA), μ<sub>α</sub> cos δ (in milliarcsec/yr)-->
 | prop_mo_dec = <!--Proper motion (dec), μ<sub>δ</sub> (in milliarcsec/yr)-->
 | pm_footnote = <!--Proper motion footnotes-->
 | parallax = <!--Parallax (in milliarcsec)-->
 | p_error = <!--Parallax error (in milliarcsec)-->
 | parallax_footnote = <!--Parallax footnote-->
 | dist_ly = <!--Distance (in light years)-->
 | dist_pc = <!--Distance (in parsecs)-->
 | absmag_v = <!--Absolute magnitude ([[UBV photometric system|Johnson-Cousins V system]])-->
 | absmag_bol = <!--Absolute bolometric magnitude (accounts for emissions across all spectra of light)--> 
{{Starbox orbit
| reference = <!--Reference-->
| primary = <!--Primary name -->
| name = <!--Companion name-->
| period = <!--(P) Period (in years)-->
| period_unitless = <!--(P) Period (no units provided by template)-->
| axis = <!--(a) Semimajor axis (in arcseconds)-->
| axis_unitless = <!--(a) Semimajor axis (no units provided by template)-->
| eccentricity = <!--(e) Eccentricity-->
| inclination = <!--(i) Inclination (in degrees)-->
| node = <!--(Ω) Longitude of node (in degrees)-->
| periastron = <!--(T) Periastron epoch-->
| periarg = <!--(ω) Argument of periastron (in degrees), secondary -->
| periarg_primary = <!--(ω) Argument of periastron (in degrees), primary -->
| k1 = <!-- Velocity semi-amplitude (SB1, or primary in SB2), in km/s -->
| k2 = <!-- Velocity semi-amplitude (secondary in SB2), in km/s --> 
{{Starbox detail
| source                 =   <!--[source url]-->
| component1             =   <!--Name of the first component-->
| mass                   =   <!--Mass (in solar masses)-->
| mass_mj                =   <!--Mass (in Jupiter masses)-->
| radius                 =   <!--Radius (in solar radii)-->
| radius_rj              =   <!--Radius (in Jupiter radii)-->
| radius_km              =   <!--Radius (in kilometers)-->
| luminosity             =   <!--Luminosity (in solar luminosities); prefer luminosity_bolometric or luminosity_visual-->
| luminosity_bolometric  =   <!--Luminosity (in solar luminosities), bolometric-->
| luminosity_visual      =   <!--Luminosity (in solar luminosities), visual (V)-->
| habitable_inner        =   <!--Inner limit to the star's habitable zone, where temperatures are 100˚ C-->
| habitable_outer        =   <!--Outer limit to the star's habitable zone, where temperatures are 0˚ C-->
| gravity                =   <!--Surface gravity (given as the base 10 logarithm expressed in cgs units)-->
| temperature            =   <!--Effective temperature (in kelvins)-->
| metal                  =   <!--Metallicity (no units provided by template)-->
| metal_fe               =   <!--Metallicity ([Fe/H] dex) -->
| rotation               =   <!--Rotation (no units provided by template)-->
| rotational_velocity    =   <!--Rotational velocity (v sin i, in km/s)-->
| age                    =   <!--Age (in years)-->
| age_myr                =   <!--Age (in millions of years)-->
| age_gyr                =   <!--Age (in billions of years)-->
| component2             =   <!--Name of the second component-->
| mass2                  =   <!--Mass (in solar masses)-->
| mass_mj2               =   <!--Mass (in Jupiter masses)-->
| radius2                =   <!--Radius (in solar radii)-->
| radius_rj2             =   <!--Radius (in Jupiter radii)-->
| radius_km2             =   <!--Radius (in kilometers)-->
| luminosity2            =   <!--Luminosity (in solar luminosities); prefer luminosity_bolometric or luminosity_visual-->
| luminosity_bolometric2 =   <!--Luminosity (in solar luminosities), bolometric-->
| luminosity_visual2     =   <!--Luminosity (in solar luminosities), visual (V)-->
| habitable_inner2       =   <!--Inner limit to the star's habitable zone, where temperatures are 100˚ C-->
| habitable_outer2       =   <!--Outer limit to the star's habitable zone, where temperatures are 0˚ C-->
| gravity2               =   <!--Surface gravity (given as the base 10 logarithm expressed in cgs units)-->
| temperature2           =   <!--Effective temperature (in kelvins)-->
| metal2                 =   <!--Metallicity (no units provided by template)-->
| metal_fe2              =   <!--Metallicity ([Fe/H] dex) -->
| rotation2              =   <!--Rotation (no units provided by template)-->
| rotational_velocity2   =   <!--Rotational velocity (v sin i, in km/s)-->
| age2                   =   <!--Age (in years)-->
| age_myr2               =   <!--Age (in millions of years)-->
| age_gyr2               =   <!--Age (in billions of years)--> 
{{Starbox relpos
| reference = <!-- Grand reference -->
| epoch = <!-- Epoch of observation of separation -->
| primary = <!--Name of primary star -->
| component = <!--Name of star whose separation from the primary star is being displayed -->
| angdistsec = <!--Angular distance, in arcseconds (alternatively, use angdistmas)-->
| angdistmas = <!--Angular distance, in milliarcseconds (alternatively, use angdistsec) -->
| angdistref = <!--Reference for angular distance -->
| posang = <!--Position angle, in degrees -->
| posangref = <!--Reference for position angle -->
| projsep = <!--Observed projected separation, in AU -->
| projsepref = <!--Reference for projected separation --> 
{{Starbox catalog
 | names      = <!-- Other catalog designations for the system -->
 | component1 = <!-- Double star component 1 primary designation -->
 | names1     = <!-- Other catalog designations for component 1 -->
 | component2 = <!-- Double star component 2 primary designation -->
 | names2     = <!-- Other catalog designations for component 2-->
 | component3 = <!-- Double star component 3 primary designation -->
 | names3     = <!-- Other catalog designations for component 3-->
 | component4 = <!-- Double star component 3 primary designation -->
 | names4     = <!-- Other catalog designations for component 4--> 
{{Starbox reference
| component = <!--Component name-->
| Simbad = <!--Search String-->
| NSTED = <!--Exoplanet Archive name-->
| ARICNS = <!--Code-->
| EPE = <!--Name-->
| KIC = <!--KIC identifier-->
{{Starbox reference|no_heading=y
| component = <!--Component name-->
| Simbad = <!--Search String-->
| NSTED = <!--Exoplanet Archive name-->
| ARICNS = <!--Code-->
| EPE = <!--Name-->
| KIC = <!--KIC identifier--> 
{{Starbox end}}