
Paul Karl Feyerabend on "Science"
"More than one social scientist has pointed out to me that now at last he has learned how to turn his field into a 'science' – by which of course he meant that he had learned how to improve it. The recipe, according to these people, is to restrict criticism, to reduce the number of comprehensive theories to one, and to create a normal science that has this one theory as its paradigm. Students must be prevented from speculating along different lines and the more restless colleagues must be made to conform and 'to do serious work'."
Source: "The Politics of Social Knowledge"
Karl Raimund Popper on "Normal science"
"'Normal' science, in Kuhn's sense, exists. It is the activity of the non- revolutionary, or more precisely, not-too-critical professional: of the science student who accepts the ruling dogma of the day; who does not wish to challenge it; and who accepts a new revolutionary theory only if almost everybody else is ready to accept it – if it becomes fashionable by a kind of bandwagon effect."
Source: "Kuhn vs. Popper on Criticism and Dogmatism in Science"
See also: "On Revolutions and Progress in Knowledge"
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Since 2002[1][2]
I have been known online as kmarinas86.
= k + m+a+r + i + n+a+s

= 11 + 13+1+18 + 9 + 14+1+19
= 11 + 32 + 9 + 34
= 43 + 43
= 86 = 19+9+14 + 11+1+18+13+1
= s+i+n + k+a+r+m+a
= sinkarma
Coincidence is nothing....