
I'm back! I think. Had a multitude of real-life things to sort out, but now I'm motivated to return to Wiki-world. Maybe I'll become more active again, who knows :)

Hello fellow Wikipedian or random internet user!

I am delighted to meet you on my userpage here, although in fact I may be absent at the moment of your arrival. Please be patient, I'll be with you shortly! Have some tea or coffee while you wait,[note 1] and leave me a note on my talkpage.

This page will probably be filled with more info later, but for now I'll include a short (chronological) list of articles I've created, to keep track of them.

And while I try my best to properly source and edit, as a newbie, non-native speaker and plain old human I am prone to occasionally making mistakes. Feel free to correct them, and please do tell me in case it was something I should do differently in the future. I'd like to learn :)

And here's a tip on how to improve your (or my) writing on Wikipedia:

Another styletip ...

Abbreviations: points and spaces

The letters in acronyms and initialisms are generally not separated by points or spaces (GNP, NORAD, OBE, GmbH). Points and spaces that were traditionally required have now dropped out of usage (PhD is now preferred over Ph.D. and Ph. D.).

Add this to your user page by typing in {{Styletips}}

Cite error: There are <ref group=note> tags on this page, but the references will not show without a {{reflist|group=note}} template (see the help page).