
Actually what I say clumsily below was said wonderfully by user:midnightblueowl - in fact thats my favourite quote now re wikipedia! '

'Ah, but there's that pesky U.S.-centrism of Wikipedia peeping through again :p....' - by Midnightblueowl (talk) 00:34, 23 October 2012 (UTC)'

[this was in talk:fidel last week but cant find it now so posting from offline copy...

As long as wikipedia is US based, it will be somewhjst anti-palestine and pro-israel (i mean the state, no necessarily the people). Since a lot of my close *secular* palestinian friends (of whom one prob'ly prevented me from a murder by politely confiscating a reverse-blade knife - that wa v late 1981 - and explaining why by makng me coffee and describing nonsensical ssimilar crimes-passionale - IN OCUUPIED TERRITORIES PALESTINE, eg PALESTNAN SON ACCIDENTALLY KILLING FATHER W Such A KNIFE for trivial dispute ) switched from al-fateh to hamas because of corruption in al-fateh / yasser arafat. So palstine issthe *most sensitive* subject for me...

On facebook I am lqac waz [there were too many 'manoj Pandeys' mainly rightwing /dumb - 'lqac waz' is 'manoj pandey' with vowels dropped (as in hebrew / all but very formal arabic - and other languages presently using either script: aramaic, urdu, punjaubi, etc] and then reversed AND rot13'ed [in either order, obviously!]

cool? try it. write a short program in your favouerite langauge to do it - or do it manually! up to you! [I m too old so I use c or haskell...]

But it [it = wikipedia] has certainly improved *a lot politically* since I (in 2001S authorities tried to brainwash people, into believing something unprecedentally terrible had happened on - as per US usage '9/11' ??2001??) - to repeat, I, posted (anonymously, nov that year. yes i think it was 2001 but not in the mood to check it out - as Woody Allen - US citizen! said, he (and a lot of ppl incl I) thinks those events are too trivial to include - or even allude to - in one of his films! [1]'s marxist / 'naxalite' justifcation of the attacks, published in Economic and Political Weekly, India... [that prestigious journal -EPW - it is available online still - but strictly on payment! hardcopy subscription costs at worst only a little more!]

that ref got deleted but not before *lots* of corporate publishers included the vaskar nandi ref part [my doing!] of the wikipedia '9/11' entry as an 'examle' of wikipedia aricles...

of course arundhati roy took a way much more stronger line - insisting the 'suicide-terrorists' be counted as part of the martyars of '9/11' - late Susan Sontag wrote a similar - (actually even stronger!) piece!

[1] vaskar nandi - india born and resident - now independent MARXIST-LENINIST individual - he has a small party still - called alternative something - even the now-trash 'search engine' called 'google' will find it - ... )'