

I hope you find my Wikipedia contributions useful. The Wikipedia articles I have created are listed here. Mostly, these are articles and/or stubs about my hometown of Thorp, Washington.

I have also cross-posted content and important links, and made significant updates to numerous Wikipedia articles, especially those related to the town of Thorp.

I work very hard to follow Wikipedia guidelines for contributions and citations for encyclopedic content. My pages contain extensive research citations in the reference section, and I have taken great pains to ensure that all information is as accurate and complete as possible. I'm always looking for ways to improve these articles, and you will find that I add more information and details regularly as they become available to me through my research.

Please carefully consider any edits you may wish to make to the articles I have created, and exercise caution when altering any information contained therein. If you have questions or are uncertain as to the best way to contribute to these articles, please contact me and I will be glad to help.

I'm especially interested in hearing from people who can help to improve the articles listed above. This includes additional information, corrections, images and photographs that will make them more informative and enjoyable to read.

Please leave your comments for me on my Talk page.