User:Nowthis/Adoption school

Hi! Welcome to Wikipedia, and to your adoption school. By the time you've completed the tests and tasks here, you should have a good working knowledge of Wikipedia's policies and processes, and should have no difficulty understanding and dealing with most of the things you'll run in to on this site. You can ask me questions on my talkpage at any time if you aren't sure about anything here, or sometimes you can find me on the Wikipedia help channel, here: #wikipedia-en-help connect. I also welcome suggestions for ways of improving this course. You can complete the sections in any order; let me know when you've finished one and I'll mark it and close it for you. Most of the time there won't be a single right answer; that's often the case on Wikipedia. I'll always try and give a reason for each mark, but the basic responses you'll see are:

  • checkY Good answer; interprets policy correctly and shows a sound understanding of the issues involved.
  • checkY Incomplete/insufficient answer; whilst partly correct, there are better responses to this question.
  • ☒N Poor answer; shows an inadequate understanding of the policies and guidelines concerned.

Have fun!
A big thanks to Yunshui for the design of this page and the essays
One more thing, before we start. In the area below, tell me a bit about why you decided to edit Wikipedia. What subjects do you want to write about? Also, if there's a name you want to be called, let me know here, otherwise I'll just call you by your username. Finally, if you have any questions for me, go ahead and ask them here.

Thanks, Howicus. I have a lot of downtime at my job and thought I could fill it with something useful. Editing Wikipedia seems like a good match. I have no interest in writing about anything in particular; primarily I would like to do clean-up, or whatever maintenance chores will fit into the 15 minute chunks of time that I have throughout the day. Thanks for offering to mentor me. Nowthis (talk) 20:24, 30 December 2013 (UTC)
Alright, no problem. Wikipedia always needs cleaning up (I do mean always). Go ahead and work through the lessons whenever you have time. Howicus (Did I mess up?) 02:29, 31 December 2013 (UTC)
Five Pillars

Wikipedia is governed by a large number of policies and guidelines - don't worry, you aren't expected to know all of these when you start out (I still have to regularly look up the more obscure ones). All of these rules, however, stem in one way or another from Wikipedia's fundamental principles, which are known as the Five Pillars. Learn these and you can hazard an educated guess at most of the rest. Please take a few minutes to read through the following pages:
