
Unsought advice from an octogenarian and cancer survivor. Relax, lean back, enjoy life. Time is too short and human lives are fleeting. What is important today is trivial tomorrow and of no consequence when you are no longer extant. If you have issues, they are your issues, deal with them, don't inflict others with them, they have their own issues. We are mere sojourners and our time here is fleeting, and there are some scientists or so I hear, that hypothesize that we are little more than part of a program, much like the movie franchise The Matrix.. If you eat, drink and think wikipedia,if it is the center of your life, then you have problems. More important and worth more of you are those that you love and with whom you have an interdependent relationship, be they two legs,four legs,fly or swim or crawl.

I am 79 80 years of age. Recovering from Brain Surgery to remove a cancerous tumor, and 10 bouts of radiation treatment. I am also undergoing Intravenous triweekly treatments of Pembrolizumab (Keytruda) a miracle drug that attacks small cell cancers and not the whole body as chemo does. I seem to be recovering and hopefully I will extend my expiration date much further than the original six months in October 2017.

Pembro (Keytruda) is a wonder drug but only works for those who test positive forPD-L1, a protein. It works by bolstering the immune system which then attacks the cancer cells.

There is a similar product called Opdivo,but apparently it is not as efficacious as Pembrolizumbab.

Good News. Met with oncologist today, After CT Scan and MRI,no evidence of recurrence in brain or lung and after 2 years of immunotherapy infusion has been suspended. Will continue to monitor via CT Scan and MRI in February 2012. From stage 4 lung cancer to apparent remission, alas I still have the post surgery, post radiation deficits but better than the alternative. Just in case I made arrangemens with MedCure at the outset to donate the corpse. Perhaps it will help some aspiring surgeon or physician. Useful to the end. My motto: Donate Don't Cremate. November 4, 2019.

Why the picture of Frances Benjamin Johnson? First time I saw this image, years ago ,

I was stunned, as if looking at myself in some 19th Century costume. Self Admiration?

A touch of narcissicism? Maybe, but it is funny to see oneself in the image of a person long dead

Frances Benjamin Johnston, Self-Portrait (as "New Woman"), 1896

A Combat Controller waiting on his next mission Tan Son Nhut RVN, 1967

We were all young once