
For the essence of humanism is that belief of which he seems never to have doubted, that nothing which has ever interested living men and women can wholly lose its vitality--no language they have spoken, nor oracle beside which they have hushed their voices, no dream which has once been entertained by actual human minds, nothing about which they have ever been passionate, or expended time and zeal. --Walter Pater, "Pico della Mirandola"

My name is Peter Riis.

I am a one-man Bouvard-and-Pécuchet and I live in Chicago. My personal site is called The New Companion.

Favorite articles I've done:

  1. John Day (printer) (Featured)
  2. John Dee (Featured)
  3. Thomas Urquhart
  4. William Camden
  5. Elias Ashmole (Featured)
  6. A. J. A. Symons
  7. Laurence Nowell
  8. Henry Billingsley

Since 11Jun04

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