
Hi! My name is Alexander Vieira, otherwise known as PaleoGeek, though sometimes (like on Wikipedia) I go by my other pseudonym PaleoGeekSquared. I'm a Venezuelan illustrator and animator based in Cardiff, Wales. My work primarily focuses on nature illustration, palaeoart, and scientific journalism of palaeontology. I joined Wikipedia's palaeontology and dinosaur WikiProjects to collaborate towards improving articles on prehistoric animals (such as non-avian dinosaurs), and thus help promote a more modern understanding of ancient life to the general public. My experience on the site has been incredibly enriching and educational. I'm quite proud of the contributions I've been able to make, and I encourage others to do the same.

Are you a palaeontology nerd, dinosaur lover, or biology student fascinated with the science of extinct organisms? If you can relate to any of these niches, and share my love for learning and teaching at the same time, then I highly recommend learning to edit Wikipedia and joining the WikiProject Dinosaurs and/or WikiProject Palaeontology communities. You could expand articles on poorly-covered prehistoric taxa; submit your own artwork to the dinosaur or palaeoart review pages; and review palaeo articles for good or featured candidacy or help promote them to said status yourself. Wikipedia is for everybody and anybody to edit after all! And in the golden age of fossil finds and scientific communication of palaeontology we're now in, there's never been a better time to be a Wikipedia editor.


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