
Today's Wikipedian is my own humble way to thank each and every day one person that makes Wikipedia a better place for the community. There are always some people you admire for different reasons, be it the quality of their work, their commitment to our project, their tireless effort to make our encyclopedia truly excellent; or their human, kind and warm way to deal with others, making this a better place for everyone else. Many times, such efforts go unnoticed, their silent work unlauded despite the great merit in them. To these outstanding Wikipedians, this little gesture is my modest way to let them know, that someone does notice.

This little campaign is a spinoff from my older one, Today's Star, which I carried on back in June/July '06. Time constraints and increasing real-life commitments eventually led me to discontinue it, but I hope this time, I will be able to manage to continue for a longer time - there are lots of people who I'd like to make them know how much appreciated and loved they are, and quitting would be in extremely poor taste on my part.

Like I once said, I know that, at a one per day rate, it will take me years to celebrate everyone who deserves it in my own humble way. But, the longer it takes me, the better - it'll be one more day for me to spend at Wikipedia, and the proof that there are too many wonderful people within our community to be counted easily.

Special thanks to AnonEMouse, Bibliomaniac15, Kyoko, Spebi and Springeragh for their support and help with this campaign!