
They are gone, but not forgotten


Pydos here...

I was a student of Yale College Wrexham (note NOT THE UNI), and yes am responsible for the terrible page about it. I love wikipedia because it brings everybody together in pursuit of knowledge. I do a lot of good work (mostly small edits, but occasionally new pages such as Louie Knight) if you see anything good i've done please leave a message on my talk page.

I am studying Law at Aberystwyth University (Wales), so am interested in the law pages here (but not the overtly American law portal). I am interested in postgrad work after it (possibly a Batchelor of Common Law)

I'm on a wikibreak at the moment, so may be one or off wikipedia sporadically. A law degree is a lot of work so I cannot guarantee when I will be on or not. Be Bold and use your best judgement without me (but it's on your own head)

  • Is this user a Holmesian? Well his AS English language coursework was a Sherlock Holmes pastiche, and the commentary was 2218 words long!!!