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This user is a member of the
Counter-Vandalism Unit.
GThis user will use Google before asking dumb questions.
Firefox This user contributes using Mozilla Firefox.
Public domainThis user comes from Canada.
This user is addicted to ellipses and has been known to use them indiscriminately...
Blade Runner This user thinks Blade Runner is one of the best science fiction films ever made.
<ref>This user would like to see everyone using inline citations. Please...
This user is a mad scientist.
F@HThis user crunches numbers with Folding@Home.
This user is aware of the Flying Spaghetti Monster.
The No Smoking sign This user is against smoking.
This user is a blood donor.
October 11 09:29 (UTC)
Inequality predicts economic instability.

I'm an information addict... so it was inevitable I'd find myself here. I live in Ontario, Canada and my interests include: documentaries, films, science, history, psychology, calisthenics, debating and racket sports when the mood strikes me. I particularly enjoy controversial subjects where free and unconventional thinking are needed; so I'm a big fan of string theory and my favorite non-fiction book is The Origin of Consciousness in the Breakdown of the Bicameral Mind by Julian Jaynes.

I'm a pro-choice agnostic who believes in eternal recurrence and frequents Newspeak Dictionary, BR-Insight, and or I did until they shut it down because of disagreement with their views. *shrug*

I became a weak atheist (from strong) after learning about the bicameral mind. This indicates god is not a deity, but a real subconscious part of ourselves in the non-dominant "creative" hemisphere, buried as a result of the "logical/language" hemisphere becoming dominant as a result of learning complex language(s) and social behaviors modern civilization requires.

This forces our neurology to cope with large amounts of structured information -- suppressing the god side of the brain -- while still being there if summoned by meditation, prayer, drugs or seizures. Stress is correlated to substance abuse, perhaps this goes beyond escapism and is a sub-conscious desire to re-balance the hemispheres. Throwbacks to the god brain can be seen in hypnosis, schizophrenia, speaking in tongues, psychosis and even earworms being a remnant of voice commands a person is compelled to follow. These result in "aberrant" (by modern standards) childlike neural activity where the creative hemisphere becomes temporarily dominant. It fits with approaching God as a "child" Mark 10:13-16, children having imaginary friends and being natural prophets of God, and if too prophetic they could be killed for blasphemy.[1]

Thanks for your interest and I hope my addiction can be put to some use around here.

  1. ^ Jaynes, Julian. (1976) The Origin of Consciousness in the Breakdown of the Bicameral Mind. Pg. 221