
1. Tooth 2. Enamel 3. Dentin 4. Dental pulp ::5. cameral pulp ::6. root pulp :7. Cementum :8. Crown ::9. Cusp ::10. Sulcus :11. Neck :12. Root ::13. Furcation ::14. Root apex :::15. Apical foramen 16. Gingival sulcus
17. Periodontium :18. Gingiva: ::19. free or interdental ::20. marginal ::21. alveolar :22. Periodontal ligament :23. Alveolar bone
24. Vessels and nerves: :25. dental :26. periodontal :27. alveolar through alveolar canals
Attribute Matrix for Officers by Field Marshal Helmuth Karl Bernhard von Moltke for Military science / Management science. The bottom line: leave the stupid & lazy alone, DO NOT turn them under any circumstance into stupid & industrious!!!

Wikipedia – I came for more knowledge, I stayed to correct the stupidity. I will leave disappointed…